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Story tell and Sell

Learn How To Create Eye Catching And Heart Connecting Stories That Capture Your Audience’s Attention & Gain Their Trust To Convert To Consistent Daily Sales

You have no idea what to post on stories and feel like you have a hard time standing out.

You lack the confidence to show up consistently on stories and to actually sell what you have to offer.

You feel like your stories aren't receiving the reach and interaction that you need in order to grow your business.

You fear that you sound repetitive and as if your audience is getting bored with your content.


Gain access to a live recorded class where I do a full in depth training On how I strategize my Instagram story content to make $1,000-$3,000 a day in digital product sales without feeling salesy and by connecting with my audience on a meaningful yet fun level

Okay let's do this!

Do you feel like instagram stories are a chore to do and you dread showing up?

This used to be me.

I was spinning my wheels trying to figure out how to show up consistently even when my account was small and I felt like i had nothing to share.
That was, until I finally figured out specific strategies that worked for me and didn't add a ton of extra work to my plate.

now I show up consistently and actually look forward to creating instagram stories. I love connecting with my audience and know the type of stories I need to create each day to lead to daily sales!


IN The story tell & sell class

You'll Learn:

My insider strategies on how i create story telling stories that generate sales

weekly touch points that I aim to hit on stories in order to keep my audience engaged & excited to view my content

Best practices & what's working right now on stories in the second half of 2024

My simple stories creation process that you can easily implement in just a few minutes a day

My Intentional framework for creating stories that connect to your audience and make them feel seen.

My exact stories routine and how to implement your own strategy that works for you and your schedule.

the right mixture of content so that you are selling, inspiring, sharing and connecting enough

simple story tips & tricks that don't take a bunch of time to do! 

++Plus SO much more!

I started this account from scratch in december of 2023. By February of 2024 I only had 200 followers. I showed up in stories almost daily when I was making $0 days all the way to now making $1-3k a day. I can teach you exactly how to start small and gain trust with the audience that you have to and to scale your story strategy as your account and sales grow too. Stories shouldn't be stressful. They should be fun and should bring you sALES! i can show you exactly how!

My Digital Products Sales in 2024 from selling in Instagram Stories

Grab it today for the presale price of $65!

Ready to get started?

*Goes up to $75 soon!

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